Why you must always have morning sex

Why you must always have morning sex...

Morning sex has been recorded since human history as one of the most special and intimate moments a married couple could ever have…considering the physical, mental and even spiritual benefits, you may want to find out the great secrets involved with the main reason(s) why you should weigh the mornings into your sex life as a couple.
1. Morning Sex Saves You From Migraines And Headaches
As funky as this may sound, sexual reproductive experts have revealed that 50 to 90 percent of married workers who suffer headaches and migraines at work do so mainly not because of the stress of work but rather due to the boring and stale nature of their sex lives during the mornings.Morning sex is the best form of releasing such stress as you get to release the best antigens needed to fight a possible strain of stress and headaches.
2. Improves Relaxation
Morning sex releases dopamine and serotonim, the very best brain receptors which increases the levels of happiness. Starting your day with a dose of good vibes gives you positive feelings to tackle whatever fresh hell the next 12 hours might bring.
3. Improves Relationships
Wondered the reason(s) why you may have been facing severe problems with your relationships? Well…maybe you could have tried a far more sexual solution to your problem. Morning sex is the best of ways this can be done. Starting your day with a dose of good vibes gives you positive feelings to tackle whatever fresh hell the next 12 hours might bring.
4. Burns Calories
Ever thought of the best enjoyable and rewarding ways of burning the best of fat in the morning without stressing yourself out through the gym? Well, morning sex is the best of answers.
5. Improves Hair, Skin and Nails.
Morning sex makes you less susceptible to catching a cold or flu and can also improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails. Having morning sex three times a week lessens the risk of a heart attack or stroke. What are you waiting for?
