Stonebwoy Ready To Quit Zylofon Music Due To Incompetency & Rivalry Issues

According to a source close to Zylofon Media, Ghanaian dancehall/afrobeats artist, Stonebwoy will soon quit his million dollar deal with the record label due to problems he’s facing since he was signed last year.

According to sources, Zylofon Media’s newly signed artist is also one of the main reasons why the Go Higher hitmaker wants to leave the label.

Why do you think Stonebwoy was absent during Shatta Wale’s signing? Why do you think even though they are on the same record label they are still ‘fighting’? Why do you think Zylofon Media signed Shatta Wale shortly after signing Stonebwoy?

According to sources, Stonebwoy isn’t promoting the label as they thought he would that was why they quickly signed Shatta Wale earlier this year and this has generated chaos on the label.

Stonebwoy is planning on going solo after quitting Zylofon.
