More African satellites to be launched in 2023

2022 has witnessed the launch of several African satellites, and there's much more to come. For example, Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi recently announced that the country's first satellite, Bot-Sat-1, which was kicked off in December 2020, is set to be launched in 2023 during his State of the Nation Address last Monday. According to the president, the satellite will be utilised to generate valuable data to solve developmental challenges in Botswana, especially in the communications, internet, weather forecasting, agricultural, land resources mapping, television broadcasting, and tourism industries which will be the backbone of the knowledge economy within Vision 2036 and the Reset Agenda of Botswana.

Similarly, Zimbabwe, off to a strong start as a space-faring country,  is gearing up to launch its second satellite, ZIMSAT-2, a communications satellite next year. According to President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe, the recent landmark deployment of Zimbabwe's satellite ZIMSAT-1 is part of an ongoing strategy to see the country launch more satellites. And the ZIMSAT-2 will give the country additional capabilities,  including in the critical communications field. Furthermore, the satellite will enable total national connectivity, thus making ICT and other communication applications pervasive in National Development., pub-7850491543461267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
